Monday, November 12, 2007

Being a Comedian or Joke is PIMP!

Yes, I said it right! To be a true Pimp one has got to be a comedian about everything. To joke about something is very serious. Have someone every said a "joke" about you and it made you mad? Well, that is because you know that just because it was a joke it did not make it not a real statement. To laugh about something is to understand it for what it is. Had you laughed at what a person told you you would have benefited from it regardlesss of their intentions.

To be a comedian is to be "Highly Intelligent"! It is believed that God Almighty is a Happy God. People are often intimidated when a person laugh or is being a comedian because they do not know what they are thinking about. They just know that whatever it is it caused you to be excited and happy. They can see you are on another level then they are. A higher level to be exact. Their ignorance of you have led them to wonder if you were cazy.

Infact, they would rather call you cazy then call you the smart person that you are. When a person is happy their intelligence level rise to the top. They can then produce and create things that only comes from a very intelligent person, or better known as a ingenious person. Have you or someone you know laughed at a talent they had? It was so easy that is was funny. They can laugh all the way to the bank. It is effortlessly incredible.

It is a real, real, real warning to this! Often people may not support you on your ideas. They may even say things like, "that is stupid". You should not be discouraged though. It is often the person that do not give up that finish last. But at lest they finish. Some people see that your dream or idea will make it but are mad or intimidated because they did not think of it first. Instead of helping you they just might try to sabatoge it in any way they could.

The sad thing is that this joking or comedian power could be used for bad or good. Infact, that is why a lot of people do not trust a joking person. They remember the last time they got played or dissed and it scared them to trust. You see, this power can be used for bad or good. In this case it is just like a person who have been done wrong all their life and think that every one is evil. The main thing though is that joking, happy, or being a comedian is power.

Happiness is opposite of Depression. You are going to be either on one road or the other. If I were a person that tried to destroy you I would not tell you this. I would keep you depressed by oppressing you every chance I get. This would deplete you of any power and keep you down. It is said that in slavery the Masters job was to oppress the Africans. They were not in no way to be happy. The master did let the slave be happy about serving them though.

This generated power within the Africans. The master did not know of this. This happinss led to the slave having intelligence to smile in the master face and all the while seeking to escape. As long as the slaves were singing: "they love working for the master" and were happy it was alright. It was even alright for them to sing depressive songs like: I' ve been working on the rail road all the live long day".

But no type of happines or joking was permitted when the master did not know or understand the meaning. The master would think that the slave was getting wise, and that was indeed true. Even after slavery Africans were oppressed to live in depressive conditions. They were hated on more so if it looked like they enjoyed themselves. Those who enjoyed themselves were called Pimps. That was a word the ex-master used to intimidate the Africans just like the word Nigger

and the word black. Those happy Africans redefined the word and used it among themselves as a word of endearment. This was really showing intelligence now! This confused some whites and some other Africans alike. They would say look how stupid the Nigger is. He accepted the negitive and evil word and now willingly calls himself that. Ha Ha Ha! Even some Africans were mad. They thought that these Africans (those that accecpted the word nigga) were going to send

them back to slavery. And so even today. There are a whole bunch of African Americans who would not only violate their own freedom of expressions but others just because they do not understand why they would call themselves a Pimp, Nigga, or Black person. They do not understand that to laugh, joke, or be a comedian is helpful to the soul. It is even helpful to the mentality as it cures all mental illness.

Alot of us are brain washed into believing that those that laugh, joke, or be happy about everything is stupid and makes no sense. This is because of what is known as the"slave mentality". The next time you have this done to you you can just laugh more. Or tell the person to explain themselves. Ofcorse they can not. They will say they were just joking.

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