Tuesday, November 13, 2007

A God, King, or Superior Human Being!

As a Pimpology teaching all men and females are not to be just regular Human Beings. They are to be superior. They are to be Kings and Queens. They are to be God Human Beings. In all your walks of life you are to act like you are a champion of royalty. In America society once taught that only the white class was superior. The truth is that all men are superior. Look at Genesis ch. 1:26. It says that man ( male and female) are to rule over the entire earth.

That would give man a position in life were he is in charge. Also man was to rule over themselves. That is to be responsible for their own actions. That is to be a God over their own self. No one will make man do what is righteous but heimself. Only he can decide to do right or wrong. But only he will deal with the consequences of his choice. In other words man is born a leader. As a pastor my job is to remind you of that. I do not even want that job of leadership.

For if I accept that position I also accept the responsibility. And even if I want to I can not because I only have leadership authority over me. I can not make no one do what is right or wrong. Personally I don't even care. All my caring is for me. I do worry only about myself to do righteous. I pass this knowledge to you and then I turn my back. If you need some more I will keep given it but I can not hold your hand. Even Jesus did not lead or hold peoples hand.

Jesus in all respects was a teacher of Perfection or Righteousness. Just like your parents. Your parents are not your leaders are they? No! There job is to tell you how to lead and then you are on your own. It is called raising up a baby to a mature person. It is what Jesus Christ did. He taught people to be there own leaders responsible for their own actions. He taught others to be God Human Beings. For Jesus came in our likeness so as to show you how to live your life.

In all respect Jesus taught that he had the same opportunity as all humans did. No where in the bible did Jesus indicate that he was better then you. It is my understanding that Jesus Christ said he was a special son of God and that we could be special too if we accepted Gods offer. Believe me this has everything to do with being a God Human Being so don't think I forgot. Our belief in who Jesus was tells us everything about ourself.

If you say that Jesus Christ was a Special Son OF God then so are we. If you say that Jesus Christ was a Prophet of God then so are we. If you say that Jesus Christ was just a wise man that taught people the correct way to live then so are we. But no matter what you say Jesus was he was a man. He needed the same things you and I needed. My personal belief is that whatever Jesus did on earth we can do also. For Jesus was a man!

Personally I do believe that Jesus Christ was the only begotten son of God at that time. That is at that particular time Jesus was the only son of God that was Honestly, and Seriously Dedicated to God. That would have made him seem and was special. That would make Jesus then a God Human Being just like we could be. Just because we are all Gods Children does not make us special. That does not make us obedient. For we could be evil ( opposing God) or righteous ( faith to God).

What makes me feel like I can be called a God Human Being then? Here I am the Pimp/Hip-Hop Pastor. One reason is I believe that the true God dwells in my heart and he made himself in a human form in us (Created In The Image Of God). Not just my heart but all of ours. That is why when I do something unfaithfull I feel bad. Since God is in us I have took the liberty of finding out about Him. In one word God is Almighty! That means that we are Almighty.

Wether or not we act Almighty or not makes no difference. We are responsible for our own actions. 1 Co 3:16, 6:19, 2Co 6:16 says that we are the temple of God and we need to act accordingly. Not to be forced. But still what makes me Perfect or Righteous, or at the lest on the road to it? Well, as long as I could right my way. That is everything I do I can explain it in a logical way to be righteous. Is that what Jesus did for us?

No! Like I said before Jesus Christ taught us the way so we could do it ourself. So what am I saying then that whatever we as humans can come up with we could do and it would be perfect or righteous? Yes, as long as it do not hurt anyone else including yourself. Many people think that Jesus Christ was some type of God and not a Human God like we could be. In Matthew ch. 5;17 we read that Jesus Christ did not come to abolish the prior prophets of God but to fulfill.

If Jesus was a God then he would have said that differently. More likely he would have said that he was setting something new like a "New Testament". But by his true statment he was making himself no different then the other Prophets Of God. So why did Jesus have to "fullfill"? I say why did the other prophets have to fullfill? And what did they fullfill? To answer that question It would be good to know that every so often, lets say every ten years in the bible a prophet

would arise. And every time there would be new laws given to the people as people changes with time. Moses, Noah, King Solomon, Elijah, and me Sir-Almighty-Sir. The list goes on and on to this very day. A prophet of God is anyone who preaches His Words or who accepts the calling to be a true God Human Being man or woman. A God Human Being is Holy and above reproach and should be able to explain him or herself at the drop or a hat.

But I am not done. Go to Romans ch. 14 There we read that one man faith allows him to eat ( or do) anything while one man can not. It is about the Weak person & Strong person! Wether you are strong or weak we are all showing are selves to God. A weak person should not judge a strong person because he or she is strong and can eat or do many things. Nor should a strong person look down on a weak person just because he or she is weak. The strong should accept or

help the weak without passing judgement. Jesus was a strong man in which he could right his own way or sit and teach sinners and not be influnenced by them. In ch. 14; 14 we read that nothing is defiled, a sin, or unpure in itself. But only when a person considers or regrad something as such. It is only a defiled, sin, or unpure thing to them. In Romans ch. 14: 13 we read that we are not to put a stumbling block to no one.

Romans ch. 14;20 state to not eat ( or do ) anything that hurts another. This is real hurt and not based on someone individual belief. For someone could allow themselve to be hurt by you if you have a different personality or style then they have. And also because you are a different race. That would be personal and based entirely on wether a person is weak or strong. Lastly, in verse 23 we read that if anyone have doubts of what he eats or do it is a sin.

It is important to know that I have no doubts about what I am doing. I offer anyone to comment on My Religious Beliefs. I am also looking for people to join or be apart of this organization. Lasty, I must say another thing based on Luke ch. 9:49-50. I am that other man Jesus disciples is talking about that they stoped because the person was not with them. But in verse 50 Jesus said do not stop him for if he is not against you then he is for you. Amen!

Sir-Almighty-Sir (Pimp/Hip-Hop Pastor)
email almightysir@yahoo.com

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