Wednesday, November 7, 2007

The Teachings Of The Pimp/Hip-Hop Pastor:

I would be introducing a new religion called Pimpology. Most people have already heard of Pimpology but not as a true religion. I just would like to say that Pimpology has been redefined as a style or a way of life that is positive in all its aspects. It means a dedication to God Almighty who created the heavens and earth. It means to live accordingly with the teachings of the Holy Bible.

I like to say that it is because of the teachings of the Holy Bible that I was influenced to write this. For I believe in God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Like I said then, that Pimpology is just a style. It is called a Religion by itself because it stands alone. But in all honesty Pimpology is a Christianity Religion because it believes in Jesus Christ to be a Prophet and Son of God.

Pimpology as taught by Sir-Almighty-Sir the Pimp/Hip-Hop Pastor who brings the teachings of the Holy Bible to the Hip-Hop nations and those who embraces the Pimp style. This teaching by Sir-Almighty-Sir begins in the Holy Bible at Genesis ch. 1;26 when God said: " Let us make man in our image... let him rule over the earth... and everything in it". We now begin Pimpology >>

I am not just a Human Being. I am a God Human being. God created me in his image and that makes me different. That makes me diffirent because I choose to act accordingly with who I believe God is. God is Almighty. That is all powerful. Anything that God set out to do he does even if He has to start from the begining. He does what every He wants.

He created man in his image, male and female. That means that man is also almighty or all powerful. That means that as a human he can and should come to his or her highest potential. That is the first learning that needs to be absorbed. That you are not just a Human Being but a God Human Being! And that makes you all powerful to reach your highest potential.

To be all powerful is to be a dominating individual. That means to be a controling freak right? Yes! It means dominating everything about you and what you own. It means to control yourself to the fullest. It does not mean to dominate or control another person. A Pimp then is to be a controling or dominating freak only to him or herself.

The only way that any of this is to be accomplished is for a person to be what is called "Pimp-Selfish". Yes, that means to only be concerned with your own benefit, pleasure, advantage, and or welfare and not the other person. This does not mean that you do nothing for others. It only means that in order for you to discipline yourself you must be %100 intuned to yourself.

It is the belief of mine that everyone does everything for their own benefit anyway. If you be nice to someone it is because you feel good doing it. If you live a righteous life it is because you want to receive a reward for doing so. If you walk the extra mile with someone you will want that for you when you need it. Nobody does something for nothing.

I even write this today with the hope that God will see that it is good and reward me. You are only going to read this if there is some benenfit to you. That is just the way it is. Even God says that if we are to be Righteous or Perfect that we will be rewarded. In other words if God does not expect me to be perfect or righteous without some reward what that says about me?

What that says about God since that I was created in his image? It means that I was not created to do something for nothing. Some type of value or reward must be at the end in order for me to feel logical. Let me explain Pimp-Selfish a little more. I say it is to only be concerned with yourself right. Yes! You see I can not change you with anything I do. But all I do can change me every day.

We are all going to be judged in the end. Only us nobody else. By ourself just as we were born. A complete person. For I believe that we judge ourself in that way too. For it stands to reason that if what I do only concerns me then that is the way I will choose to live. In Proverbs ch. 4: 25-27 it tells me to look straight not swerve...keep my foot from evil. I can not do that with out being selfish.

Like I said before being Pimp-Selfish does not mean you do not do for others. For the very reason you do for others is a selfisf motive. You believe that either God will reward you or somone else. It is sometime hard to teach that to beginers but after a while you will understand if you do already. As a Pimp of God there is other things you most know. FAITH FAITH! >>

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