Sunday, November 11, 2007

Faith or Pimp-Fantasy?

Everyone should know by now what faith is right? If not I will be honered to tell you. Faith in its simple term means to believe in something in which one can not prove. We all have faith then right? Well lets see. I believe that regardless of what you believe in positive or negative it can all be called faith. I once had a bad case of mental illness in which I thought that everyone was talking about me in a evil way. Regradless if I were right or wrong I did not know for sure.

I felt sick at the mere thought of this belief. It held me back all of my life. I could not think of anything else. What I had was faith in something negative. It was as real as real can get to me. I would have never thought that I had faith. Yes, I had the same type of faith as some one would have in a religion. But instead of it working for me positively it worked out in me negatively. But I had faith. I believed into something that I could not prove.

So the moral in all of this is since we all possess faith of some sort make sure that it is beneficial. I learned the hard way. Many people done the same. Some have not. Looking closely I see that faith is the same as fantasy. Both is something a person can not prove but you will cling on it like a hanger if it is a religion or a passion. Humans have creative imaginations. That is what make us different from the animals. I have a crazy fantasy that I will one day become famous as the

Pimp/Hip-Hip Pastor & Rapper! I believe that God possessed the same creativity when he made the whole earth. First he saw that his imagination was good then he made it so. That leaves me with Fantasy. It is the same thing. It is what I use in the Pimpology Religion. It is the creativity of your mind. Fantasy is the same as make believe. It is what little children have.

If you believe in God then what you have is faith, fantasy, or make believe. The comparison I am making is that Pimpology Religion is the same as any other religion. I make the statement that whatever faith or religion you have is good as long as it is not harmful to you are some one else. So with that I say that Pimpology is all in your mind. It is all a fantasy, faith, or make believe.

Lastly, I will conclude that if you are not intuned with your imaginations you can never be happy. You can never be apart of any religion. In fact, how can you make plans. How could you entertain yourself or others. You see your fantasy, or imagination is the building blocks for all your creativities. A pimp lives in his or her imaginations but not confused with reality. That is I can believe in Gods power in my life but I can also understand the here and now. Comedy >>>

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